Was That Blur a Sonic Generations 3DS Launch Trailer!? Oh Yes!
Just when you thought news about your favourite Blue Hedgehog was starting to thin out, SEGA have released the launch trailer for Sonic Generations to feed your appetite.
Yes yes, Sonic Generations is already available on many a console but Nintendo 3DS owners have been long awaiting its arrival, with warranted excitement. For the last few years Sonic has fallen short of the finish line and stared (if you can call it that) in many games that have just not taken off.
Sonic Generations seems to have changed all of this and given the series a real boost! Sit back, relax and let the trailer do the talking. and if that doesn’t convince you, check out our review of the Xbox 360 version.
From the trailer we can see that the 3DS version will not be identical to the console version, but many should be delighted to know that the are bonus stages and content to unlock with the awesome StreetPass function.
Soooo, what do you think? Has Sonic earned the right to be part of your Games collection once again? Why not let us know in the comments below!
Sonic Generations will be available on Nintendo 3DS from the 25th of November and is out now on all other consoles.