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[CLOSED] Competition: Win a PlayStation 3 Battlefield 3 Vault Courtesy of Calibur11

by on October 25, 2011

Competition-Win-a-PlayStation-3-Battlefield 3-Vault-Courtesy-of-Calibur11Just because our Alienware competition is coming to an end, that doesn’t mean we don’t have plenty of nice things for you to win still. This time around we’ve got a fantastic looking Calibur11 vault for PlayStation 3.

In case you didn’t already know, a “Vault” is a kind of outer casing – a shell, if you will – that encases your PlayStation 3 (in this case) or Xbox 360 to keep it safe. We posted a news article about this new Battlefield vault last Thursday, and now the lovely people over at Calibur11 have donated us a PlayStation 3 version for you to win.

The main features of the Battlefield 3 Vault are:

  • Exclusive Orange Light Claymore with 3 modes
  • Exclusive DICE logo Smoke Grenade
  • Better airflow for greater cooling
  • Better stability
  • Controller or headset cradle
  • Does not void console warranty

So – all you have to do to win this fantastic prize (retail value of £69.99) is to send an email to competitions@godisageek.com with the Subject: BF3 Vault and tell us why you want to win this prize!

This competition is open to UK residents only and the prize will not be shipped for a few weeks. The decision of GodisaGeek.com is final, no appeals will be considered. The prize on offer is a Calibur11 Battlefield 3 Vault for PlayStation 3, and no alternative prize will be offered. The competition closes on Monday 31st October at 5pm. Good luck!

The competition has now closed and the winner is Graham Day, from Manchester.

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