DC universe Online has been giving players the chance to enter a digital world, for an MMORPG filled with Superheroes battling Super-Villains since its release. Sony Online Entertainment have now revealed that the first chunk of DLc for the title will see its release on September 6th in North America, and it will be called Fight for the Light. As a reward to its loyal subscribers, Sony have generously offered to give the DLC pack for free to all currently active members of the game. The pack will introduce a wealth of new features inspired by The Green Lantern comics.
Introducing DC Comics legend The Green Lantern and the game’s seventh power set (Light), the “Fight for the Light” pack allows players to join the Green Lantern Corps or Sinestro Corps as reservist members while helping to restore balance to the universe. Along with interactions with Green Lantern based favorites and foes, players will be launched into multiple action-packed scenarios, including an epic battle for control in S.T.A.R. Labs, a light-to-light showdown with the Red Lantern Corps in Coast City, and a chaotic prison break at Sciencells Prison.
The game is exclusive to PlayStation 3 and PC, and users must opt-in to a subscription with as monthly fee.
The Fight for the Light DLC pack will be available for free on September 6th to all active DC Universe Online subscribers in the U.S. No details have been announced as of yet in regards to a worldwide release.
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