Telltale Games give Jurassic Park a release date

by on August 23, 2011

Telltale GamesTelltale Games have got a lot of big projects in the works. What with their forthcoming adaptations of both the Walking Dead and Fables series of comics, as well as their already-packed slate of both original and adapted intellectual properties, the studio is certainly very busy. One of the biggest titles in their catalogue however is surely Jurassic Park. Well now the development team have confirmed their target release date, which will be November 15th 2011. This is planned for a simultaneous release across all three platforms.

Whilst the PC and PlayStation 3 versions will release online for download, the Xbox 360 version will be a disc-based retail copy. This disc will cover all episodes in the season, whereas the plan is to release all the episodes online for download at the same time also – so that all players can access the full season from the same date. Usually Telltale stagger the release of their episodes, so this is a first for the company. There is also an iPad version still being developed, and that one is planned to receive an episodic release, but there are no confirmed dates for it as of yet.

The team have also release two new images, taken from Episode 2. Check them out below:

[nggallery id=536]

Jurassic Park is due to be released on November 15th on PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3.

Source: Eurogamer.net