John Marston Saddles Up For His Last Stand In September
At the start of the month, we brought you the news that it looked like there would be more Red Dead Redemption DLC on its way from Rockstar Games. Well now the developers have come out to confirm that, and have stated that there will be a special – completely free – bonus pack of DLC for the Western Adventure, and that the pack will be going live in September. Rockstar state that the extra DLC update is being put together “as a show of appreciation for the awesome long-term support for the game’s multiplayer modes since its release in 2010.”
The new add-on will be entitled the Myths and Mavericks Bonus Pack. This pack is set to include a selection of new fan-favorite multiplayer characters – who have been specially requested by the fans – which will include the retired gunslinger John Marston meets in the main story mode, who goes by the name of Landon Ricketts. Also included will be several new multiplayer locations for players of Deathmatch, Grab the Bag, Gang matches and other popular online modes to battle across.
The pack will be made available in september on both Xbox LIVE arcade and the PlayStation Network. On top of all of that, Rockstar have also announced a forthcoming title update – due before the DLC hits – that will address multiplayer settings in the “Undead Overrun” mode. Put your spurs on and get ready to hit the trails, as we are heading back into Cowboy territory.
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Red Dead Redemption is out now on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. The Undead Nightmare DLC can be purchased on Xbox LIVE Arcade and the PlayStation Network, or as a standalone game, bundled with the other multiplayer map and gameplay updates.