Square Enix Trademark Name For Hitman 5?

by on April 26, 2011

After apparently revealing that a new Hitman game is in the works at developers IO Interactive through an intriguing Artificial Reality Game, the series publisher Square Enix have filed a trademark listing for a title which may be Hitman 5. Listed as “computer game software”, the new title that has been trademarked is Hitman: Absolution. Whether this is a new console title or perhaps a handheld or smartphone game is up in the air, but it does all contribute to the feeling that we will see a full reveal at E3 in less than two months time.

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Hitman 5 has not been given a release date as of yet, but is planned to be released on PC, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360. More information is expected to be revealed at E3 in June.