Another Anarchy Reigns Reveal – Blacker Baron

by on March 18, 2011

It seems that to make up for what seemed like an eternity of silence regarding new characters that will be making their way into Anarchy Reigns, Sega and Platinum Games have released the second set of new character details in as many days.

Blacker Baron is one of the craziest character designs we’ve ever seen and quite clearly shows the intent of Anarchy Reigns on a whole. Crazy people, crazy names with crazy weapons and even crazier moves.

In a word. CRAZY!

Yet again, as well as the crazy trailer we’ve also got a few screenshots and pieces of artwork for you to feast your eyes on. Behold!

[nggallery id = 228]

Anarchy Reigns is due to hit store shelves in the Autumn of 2011 for both the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360.