Killzone 3 Launch Trailer – Excited Yet?
If you weren’t already massively excited about the imminent release of Killzone 3 by reading our review from a few days ago then we’ve got something else for you that just might tip the scales.
To celebrate the release of Killzone 3 Guerilla Games and Sony Computer Entertainment have today released a new launch trailer showing yet more gameplay footage and showing off more of those gorgeous visuals that people were expecting from such a prolific title.
I’m sure you’ll all be running out to your game retailers on Friday morning (if you’re in the UK) to get your copy of the Killzone 3. I’m also convinced there’ll be a few people with those common ailments that often seem to go around the workplace when a popular game gets released too.
Killzone 3 will be released exclusively on the PlayStation 3 this Friday, the 25th February 2011, in the UK. For those of you lucky enough, Killzone 3 is already available in the rest of Europe and North America, so I hope you’re reading this while playing it.