Bulletstorm Epic Edition Announced As GAME Exclusive
The mythical Epic Edition of the hotly anticipated shooter Bulletstorm will only be available in the UK from GAME, Cliff Bleszinksi announced today.
In his uniquely eloquent style, Epic Games’ Design Director tweeted (really? Is that really a verb now?), “FYI UK guys – GAME is the only spot for y’all to pre order Bulletstorm Epic Edition“.
By which one can assume he means that the only way of acquiring the Bulletstorm: Epic Edition in the UK is to pre-order it from either GAME or its subsidary, Gamestation. This is good news for the high street retailer, no doubt anticipating a rush of pre-orders from people who think Bulletstorm‘s “Energy Leash” is not quite awesome enough.*
This is because the Epic Edition contians visual upgrades to the Energy Leash and the Peace Maker Carbine, which makes sense when you consider the fact that Bulletstorm places great value on how cool you look when you’re killing stuff.
The Epic Edition will also bestow an extra 25,000 in-game experience points upon the player (whoever said that the “achievement” culture was killing video games was totally overreacting), but the icing on the bullet-riddled cake is without a doubt the invitation for the Gears of War 3 multiplayer beta that is included with the Epic Edition.
If this all sounds good to you (how can it not), Bulletstorm: Epic Edition will be released for the Xbox 360 on February 22nd and can be pre-ordered from GAME right now for £44.99 £39.99.
*Is it just me, or does Bulletstorm‘s Energy Leash look almost exactly like Rimmer’s kinky Holowhip from this classic episode of Red Dwarf?