Are We Dreaming? Dreamcast Collection On Its Way

by on December 17, 2010

Following on from the recent DLC re-releases of SEGA Dreamcast classics Sonic Adventure and Crazy Taxi – along with the news of more forthcoming titles; SEGA Bass Fishing and Space Channel 5.2 – SEGA’s executive vice president of sales and marketing, Alan Pritchard, has now revealed that they are going to release a Dreamcast collection title on a retail disc, which will compile some of the console’s most popular games, in the same vein as the Ultimate Megadrive Collection that was launched earlier this year.

The issue came up in a Game Informer article, where probing about the cult movement for the release of a Dreamcast 2 machine prompted him to reveal their plans. He went on to state “Dreamcast fans are very devoted. You see on eBay people are still buying the games and system. We actually have a Dreamcast collection coming out soon. We are looking to bring some of the old Dreamcast games to market digitally and packaged. The titles are still to be announced. The Ultimate Genesis Collection did huge numbers on PS3 and 360, so it’s an important part of our business. We’ve already been releasing some Dreamcast games digitally.”

Perhaps dreams of a Shenmue re-release aren’t so far-off after all? And the Powerstone games would also be high up on any list. And what about Seaman? It could make use of multiplayer headsets for communication with your virtual pet. There is a whole list of potential titles that SEGA could include, but the worry is that the collection will just include all of the already-announced DLC titles. That would be a disappointment.

Look for the release of SEGA Bass Fishing and Space Channel 5.2 in early 2011, and stay tuned for more information regarding the content of any disc-based Dreamcast classics release.