More Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood DLC Sneaking Up In The New Year
In another show of holiday generosity, following the news last month that Ubisoft would be bringing gamers some free Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood DLC to us in time for Christmas (it is out today in fact), they have now announced a second free pack “The Animus Project 2.0”, which will be released some time in January 2011.
The new update will bring players the Chest Capture Multiplayer Mode, which is a variation upon capture the flag. Sneaking around maps, you will be tasked with stealing treasure chests from opposing teams, and protecting your own. This will also incorporate a second new map for multiplayer modes, the hill-top village Pienza. So, with two new multiplayer modes added to the already impressive game – what reason do you have not to try it?
The “Animus Project 2.0” update will be released – at no cost – across PlayStation Network and Xbox Live on in January. Haven’t tried the game yet? Read our review to find out why you really should.