A Gift To The Fans – Super Meat Boy Discounted Upon Release!
As you can tell from our recent review, we rather enjoyed Super Meat Boy (released this wednesday on XBLA) and we strongly reccomend that people try it!
That just became a whole lot easier as the creators of Super Meat Boy (Edmund McMillen and Tommy Refenes) have just announced on their official site that they have agreed a deal with Microsoft to release the game at a discount price…for launch!
What this means is that instead of the original price of 1200 Microsoft Points, the game will be released for 800 Microsoft Points! The price will go back up to 1200 points in November, so you might want to try the game out sooner rather than later.
“So, recently we have been talking to MS about eventual sales and the future of Super Meat Boy, we wanted to be able to do something special for Xmas, but it felt like a sale only 2 months after launch would be a kinda shitty thing to do to the fans who just bought it.
After much brainstorming Tommy and I pitched the idea of possibly launching with a sale, a way to reward the fans for buying the game at launch. Now this to my knowledge isn’t something that MS has ever done, but much like “teh Internets” we though we might as well approach the idea of a sale with the same innovative mind set. MS loved the idea and we finalized it last Friday.
So its official.
Super Meat Boy will launch on xbla ON SALE for 800 ms points! (that’s $10 bucks!) the sales for a limited time only and will go back up to our normal price of 1200 ms points in Nov.
We hope you guys appreciate this early xmas gift, you’re positive comments, fan art and donations when Edmund was in the hospital have been greatly appreciated, we are more than happy to give a little back.”