Dead Rising 2: Case Zero Breaks Downloadable Records!

by on September 11, 2010

The recently released prologue “Dead Rising 2: Case Zero” is already a record breaker! The title has enjoyed the best week one unit sales in the history of all content distributed through Xbox LIVE Arcade!

Many feared that this type of product would be merely a paid demo, but we here at God is a Geek are here to tell you that isn’t so. The idea is simple, a bite sized game that leads as a introduction for what is to come. Dead Rising 2: Case Zero gives you a really strong taster of what is to come in Dead Rising 2, just like the first game it offers mulitple playthroughs and rewards for doing so.

Priced very competitively at 400 Microsoft points and having achievements and leaderboards, Capcom are the first to put out a prequel of this sort and it seems that they have absolutely succeeded with Dead Rising 2: Case Zero.

Dead Rising 2 will launch on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 on September 24 and PC on September 28, 2010.