If you are waiting for the next generation PlayStation console, you have a few years of waiting to do if Sony Worldwide Studios boss, Shuhei Yoshida, is to be believed. In an interview with Develop, Yoshida said that Microsoft and Nintendo will release their next consoles before Sony.
Sony Worldwide Studios boss, Shuhei Yoshida:
“Looking from the outside, it was Microsoft that released the first of this generation of consoles. Naturally, in my opinion, Microsoft will make the first move.”
“Or, because Nintendo’s approach was not to upgrade much on its basic hardware – Wii doesn’t even support HD resolution – so they might be the first to move.”
“Probably the watch should be on these companies, in my opinion. Because PS3 was later than Xbox, and is more powerful, so it has a longer lifespan.”
Last week Yoshida also confirmed that work on Sony’s next-gen console was already underway with help from first-party developers. Sony has repeatedly mentioned the PS3′s 10-year life span so you can expect to wait at lease another 2-3 years before details of a new console emerge.