New Modern Warfare 2 Map Pack Coming Soon
You just have to love Twitter, follow the right people and you get the latest news delivered to you instantly. Mr FourZeroTwo (aka Robert Bowling) from Infinity Ward has just tweeted that a brand spanking new map pack for Modern Warfare 2 is due to hit Xbox Live on June 3rd. The map pack, which contains five new maps, is officially titled “Resurgence Package” and, well, that is all we know for now. A video or screenshots should be hitting the internet very soon though, so keep an eye out here at Let’s just hope it is somewhat cheaper than the previous map pack!
FourZeroTwo via Twitter: Modern Warfare 2 Resurgence Package hits June 3rd on #xboxlive and brings with it 5 new maps to #MW2 multiplayer! I’ll send details your way.