Sex Mini-Game Almost Cut From God of War III
Three games in and it appears the guys over at Santa Monica Studios seem to have developed some sort of a conscience as God of War III director Stig Asmussen told UGO in a recent interview that those oh so pointless but much loved hidden sex mini-games that have become a staple for the series almost faced deletion (le gasp!!). These mini-games as anyone who has played the series before will tell you generally consist of you mashing on a few buttons in sequence while Kratos shows a few topless maidens how manly he truly is. Hit the jump to continue.
When asked why the infamous sex scenes almost never made it into the final cut Asmussen stated “It was… a debate between me and several of the story writers. I was like, ‘I’d rather not have it in there at all”. When further quizzed as to the point of the scenes themselves Asmussen said “You asked a very fine question, and I felt sort of the same way. What is the point? If we do it, it has to have a point.”, Which makes us here at Godisageek wonder what changed between God of War 1 and 2 to warrant this crisis of conscience.
Asmussen went on to explain that in the initial God of War the sex scenes did actually serve a function (they did? we must of missed that). “In God of War, it was there to show that Kratos was a “man’s man,” It was like this guy, he gets what he wants, and you learn that right at the beginning of the game. It was a really important tool in establishing that.” (Ahh I see it all makes sense now… wait!).
With God of War II the developer says that the scenes were included because we the gamer loved it so much (damn straight) but as God of War III began to take shape Asmussen began to get the feeling that “It became one of these things where we’re damned if we do, and we’re damned if we don’t”.
After much thought Amussen and the team decided the scenes could stay as long as they were given some purpose or meaning in the context of the game. “We make it more than it’s been in the past, but we also give it more of a purpose,” he said. “It’s not just you going in there, finding some corner and having sex with somebody. It’s something that guides you through the story. You get information and more than just a fluff moment” (we reserve judgement).
Asked if he was worried about the message he would be delivering to female gamers he responded with “Women like sex too… ” (that they do :D) and went on further to say that the women in the development team had a hand in the development of the story behind the aforementioned sex scenes.
“I definitely think about the female audience when I think about violence against females, though,” he added. “We always try to do (the sex) in a way where the woman had a choice, and we wouldn’t want to do something like a rape scene or anything like that. I get what you’re saying, but violence against women is something we definitely avoided.”
In the end not much was mentioned about what these sex mini-games would entail but we’re assured that Kratos would get the chance to get down and dirty with a Goddess as well as a couple of other lucky ladies.