Latest Zelda Coming To This Years E3
Satoru Iwata has officially promised that the latest version of Zelda for the Wii will definitely be coming to this years E3. He told investors during a financial briefing that “We will show the new Zelda title for Wii at E3 this year.” As a self confessed Zelda fan I’m anxious to see what changes the guys over at camp ‘N’ are making to the series as we have been promised a change to the normal Zelda formula with the upcoming release. Also stated was the fact that Ninty will be showing of the notorious Wii Vitality Sensor and we will finally get to see how it will be used.
Other mentions included a new Pokemon game for DS heading for Japan and a new full scale RPG game called Xenoblade that will be developed byMonolith Software. All Metroid fans will also be pleased to hear that Metroid: Other M will hit Japan this summer meaning other regions won’t be too far behind and Super Mario Galaxy 2 will appear later in the year. This means if your Wii has been collecting dust in between sessions of Tatsunoko Vs Capcom then you should have some reasons to dust it off later this year.