Super Street Fighter IV Boxart!
So Super Street Fighter IV is slated for an April 27th release in America and the 30th for us Brits as you may have all heard by now and if you haven’t I would love to know the location of that rock your hiding under. We thought we would be nice and show you what box art you should be looking out for when the faithful day arrives (can’t wait personally).
- SSFIV Boxart (Europe)
- SSFIV boxart (North America)
- SSFIV Boxart (Japanese)
As you can see it’s not looking particularly good for the Americans or us Brits on the art front. Neither of these representations look anything on par with what we know Capcom can produce. All you have to do is look at the vastly superior Japanese boxart and the other two start to look like they were produced by primary school kids on Paint for an art project. Alas there is still time left until release and I for one would be more than happy if the art changed between now and then.