If you anything like me you look forward to anything Metal Gear Solid like an obsessed crack addict desperate for their next fix. Sadly for our Japanese neighbors the delicious looking Metal Gear Solid: Peacewalker has been delayed in Japan.
The title had originally been scheduled for a 18th of march release date in Japan but sadly won’t see the light of day there for another month on it’s release date of April 29th. Fear not though as we have been assured this will not affect the scheduled releases for other regions (phew). This might have something to do with the fact that the European version was scheduled for release a full two months after the Japanese title to begin with (damn you Konami!).
Metal Gear Solid: Peacewalker hits shelves May 27 in Europe (May 28 in the UK) and on May 25 in the US.
I am one of the founding members who decided to get together and begin this amazing site with like minded people....Uni is an amazing thing!
I live, breathe, eat, sleep and drink GEEK! Been gaming since I was 4 years old and have made it my mission to own every gaming platform since I held my first NES controller. There isn't a genre I don't enjoy, if a game is even remotely good I'll be playing it. In my spare time (when I'm not gaming) I like to feed my anime, Japanese Culture and Gundam model kit addictions.
If we are going to get on there is two things you need to acknowledge - Hideo Kojima is a GOD and Zelda: Ocarina of Time is a master piece!