Operation Flashpoint “Overwatch” DLC
If you are one of the gamers out there who enjoyed the intense, realistic experience that is Operation Flashpoint 2: Dragon Rising and you just want more then fear not, Codemasters have released new DLC for the title that is available on Xbox-Live, PSN network and PC. The new DLC adds a few new modes to the already existing options. The first of these is ‘Blindside’ that presents the player with some ‘Headquarters’ style gameplay where one team will protect a point and the other will be given various tasks to be completed in the shortest amount of time. The other is named ‘Supremacy’ where you are tasked with taking vital points on the map in exchange for “force multipliers” such as gun emplacements and air strikes.
Codemasters didn’t forget about the cooperative multiplayer junkies out there as there will also be two new FTE (Fire Team Engagement) missions to tackle by the name of “friendly skies” and “hostile takeover”. The “Overwatch” pack will set you back 400 Microsoft points on Xbox-Live, £3.19 / $4.99 on PSN and is completly free for PC (hows that for supporting the PC gaming scene).