Mass Effect 2 official release date announced and possible PS3 version “confirmed”?!

Terminus Assault Armor, pre-order freebie!
Mass Effect fans rejoice as EA have finally officially announced the release dates for the much anticipated sci-fi action RPG. The game will hit store shelves in the US on January 26th and in Europe on January 29th. To add to that, EA also announced some pre-order “goodies” in the form of downloadable armour for your character. The armour, as expected, will add increase the statistics of your character in specific areas (such as speed, damage and shields). In the US these pre-order items will be available through GameStop however nothing has yet been announced for Europe.
As a side note to all this official news, speculation is rife around the internet (where else eh?!) that Mass Effect 2 will also be coming to the PS3. At the moment the game is slated for release on the Xbox 360 and PC but that could all be about to change. Speaking at a gaming event in Poland earlier on in the week Jay Watamaniuk from Bioware stated that Mass Effect 2 is being targeted for release on three platforms, those being the Xbox 360, PC and “probably the PS3”. Now this news coupled with earlier “rumours” and “leaks” certainly lends some weight to the suggestion that game will indeed be coming to Sony’s home console. However without any concrete official news all we can say at this moment is “watch this space”.