New Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer video to be released next week
According to a recent Twitter post by fourzerotwo (aka Robert Bowling from Infinity Ward) a new Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer video will be released for our viewing pleasure sometime next week. The post states:
Aiming our next Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer video for release next week. The focus will be on a new Perk that A LOT of you suggested!
Hmm, now we can only speculate as to what this new perk will be so let’s begin shall we?! Will we be allowed to “play dead”? Maybe we will get some thermal goggles? Could it possibly be a laser sight attachment for your gun?! Wait no, dual attachments for your gun?!?! Damn it man, the excitement is killing me! What do you folks think this new perk will be? Please share your thoughts with us.