Street Fighter IV Preview
We managed to get early access to SF IV on Friday and we’ve been playing it to death over the weekend. This game is huge!
Before I start, here’s some footage of us playing the first round of Arcade mode with Ryu…
The game has a great graphical style, although the cut-scenes leave something to be desired (the 3D models are quite ugly compared to the 2.5D models during gameplay). It has a Japanese / Okami feel to it, really nice. Anime-style is also used for some storyline events, which are brilliantly drawn, it’s just a shame a) their in English and b) they have English subtitles (!?).
The combat is everything you’d expect from a Street Fighter game. It’s fast paced, there are x number of combos (each with their own sexy effects) and a load of unlockable characters.
If you’re going to be playing this game regularly however, we highly recommend you either buy one of the ‘Limited Edition Street Fighter Control Pads’, or a joystick. This game is pretty damn hard to play with the D-Pad on the default xbox360 controller (which is pretty pants).
There’s no doubt everyone at GodisaGeek will be getting this game as soon as it comes out; and I’m keeping the early-access copy – I have some more reviewing to do yet 😛