A picture of the Razer Tomahawk desktop PC

Razer wins best of CES awards for the eighth time

by Lyle Pendleon January 14, 2020
The cutting edge of technology

CES: Wii U Panorama View Demo Captured, Looks Fantastic

by Terry Lucyon January 13, 2012
Nintendo Life has captured footage of the Panorama View Demo for Nintendo's Wii U, which is being shown at CES in Las Vegas.

CES Has Confirmed That People Like Microsoft Stuff & Kinect for Windows is Announced

by Colm Ahernon January 10, 2012
Microsoft announced a lot at their CES keynote as 2011 proved a record breaking year for them and their plans for the Kinect For Windows.

Mad Catz Have the Perfect Accompaniment For Soul Calibur V

by Ray Willmotton January 10, 2012
In an exciting collaboration with Namco Bandai, Mad Catz have announced a new way for players to experience Soul Calibur V

Alienware OptX AW2310 23″ 3D Full HD Widescreen Monitor

by Calvin Robinsonon February 1, 2010
So we’ve been ranting about 3D on our podcast, reviews and private blogs for quite a while now. Most of us share the view that 3D is the next HD, at least in the gaming sector, if not with mainstream consumers. There’s a growing number of 3D movies in the cinemas and 3D games on […]