Continuing our theme of having terrific guests on the podcast, GameSpot’s very own Danny O’Dwyer drops by for a few hours to talk about Far Cry Primal, Unravel, The Witness, and a lot more. Deep industry insight, and yes we get serious, but also some Irishness, and lots of talk about food and what Colm and Danny miss from home.
In all seriousness, you should check out Danny’s work on GameSpot, if you don’t already. Start here, with the latest episode of The Lobby, which you can also subscribe to as a podcast on iTunes.
Patreon backers get an extra fifteen (ish) minutes this week where the chaps (minus Danny) talk about what’s coming up on the site, and Murph’s anger at FIFA 16. So, if you want to hear us discuss some animated classics, you know what to do!
Make sure you subscribe and review us via iTunes or Feedburner, but you can also listen using Stitcher – these all make a massive difference to our visibility for potential new listeners, so you’re helping us out with hardly any effort.
You can download the MP3 file here, just right click then select “save file”.
Have a watch of The Lobby, below: