Sucker Punch have released a new trailer showing off the powers available in inFAMOUS: Second Son, which you can see below. However, more importantly, they have announced that the game will be released on March 21st, 2014. And yes, that does feel a long time away, but still, hooray!
You can also read a discussion between the developers on which power they prefer.
Delsin absorbs the ability to control Smoke in his hometown, and then goes to Seattle to find more conduits and gain their powers, starting with Neon. These power sources have different strengths and weaknesses, requiring you to change up your tactics. This has led to an ongoing debate on the design team about which power is actually the best.
For the record, I’m still not keen on the cover of “Heart Shaped Boxed” that is being used for the marketing of this game, but hey, anything that gets the youth of today to investigate Nirvana is good with me.