Infinity Ward’s Mark Rubin took to Twit Longer to tell the world that Call of Duty: Ghosts will run at 60fps on both Xbox One and PS4.
Although the framerate is locked, the picture quality is different. On PS4 Ghosts will run in native 1080p, whereas on Xbox One it will run at 720p and be upscaled to 1080p.
Now the important thing is that the game will run buttery smooth on both systems. As Mark says, ‘We optimized each console to hit 60 FPS and the game looks great on both.’
For someone like myself, framerate is concern number one. I’d rather have a smooth but slightly uglier game, than a very pretty but jerky one. See Bayonetta PS3.
This said it’s an interesting bit of news to receive this close to the launch of next-gen. More fuel for Sony’s console, really, though the counter-point for CoD fans would be that Re-spawn’s spiritual brother, Titanfall, is a Microsoft exclusive…
What makes it all the more trivial? Most people will be playing it on Xbox 360 next week anyway. But still, think of those extra p’s…