VG247 recently noticed that remote play on Vita is prominently listed among the features for Sony’s upcoming PlayStation 4. This placement may be a sign that Vita will play a larger role than originally thought.
During their PS4 unveiling, Sony mentioned remote play for PS4 games on Vita. However, they only mentioned one title implementing the feature, Knack. It was easy to be skeptical as Sony has discussed remote play before with little results. Considering the PS4 site’s layout appears to list “back of the box” type feature listings, it appears Vita may utilized a lot more this time around.
Nintendo has implemented off TV play with the Wii U GamePad, so its not a stretch to think Sony use Vita as an extension of this. Being a portable system, it would definitely extend your gametime way beyond your house. Hopefully, Sony will announce more support for this feature at E3.
PlayStation 4 will be released in 2013.