Like most fans of the genre, we’ve been eagerly anticipating the Western release of Ni No Kuni. Lucky for us, we’ve been playing the hell out of the English language version for the past month and a bit, and have put together a video that goes some way as to explaining the battle systems in the game.
The video only really scratches the surface of the multitude of systems within the game (and repeat watching might be worth doing, as the battles do move at an almighty speed sometimes), but we’ll be bringing you our final verdict when the embargo lifts on January 17th.
Please remember to like the video, comment below, subscribe to our YouTube and iTunes channels (we aggregate all our video content to iTunes for on-the-go viewing) as it all helps us bring you more content like this.
Oh and just in case you’re worried, there are no spoilers in this video, no cut-scenes, it’s all just menus and battles!
Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch will be released in Europe on January 25 and North America on January 22, exclusively for PlayStation 3.