As UK Editor of this fine publication, occasionally I get the privilege of unveiling new content to the most important people; you, the reader. This is most certainly one of those times, but this is merely the teaser for a brand new video series we are going to be bringing you, starting in November.
The Dirtsheet is a news show with a difference. If you’ve kept up with all things GodisaGeek-based, you’ll be more than aware of the absolutely stellar work Colm Ahern and Sean Smith put into every Wednesday’s episode of the podcast Saint & Greensie. But internet radio cannot hold the talent that is Colm Ahern, so we’ve unleashed him in video form.
This series will take a different look at the world of video game news. No, it’s not going to be a 30 minute opus every episode, but it will give you Colm’s unique take on some of the topics that we all love reading and talking about.
So without further ado (and trust me, there’s been plenty of ado), I’d like to introduce you to “The Dirtsheet”, with this teaser trailer.
As always here on GodisaGeek, we’d love to hear your feedback, so tell us how excited you are about the show – starting November 2012 – in the comment section below. And as always, you can grab our video content via iTunes or Feedburner, so please subscribe.
The Dirtsheet is a brand new, exclusive to video series, starring our own Colm Ahern. Stay tuned in early November for the first full episode.