Cataclysm Screen Shots and Videos Emerge
It seems that the Cataclysm friends and family Alpha is under way with the emergence of images and videos highlighting some of the changes made to the world of Azeroth. The first video shows off some of the changes made to the Horde capital of Orgrimmar – the Horde have a new leader in the form of the brash Garosh Hellscream, a leader intent on war. War seems to be at the forefront of Horde minds with some of Orgrimmars famous buildings such as the bank transformed into bigger defensive structures, whilst the outer walls are littered with catapults and defensive towers.
Hit the jump for video number two.
The second video is a little less spectacular showing off the Alliance capital of Stormwind, including a look at the outskirts of the city which appears to include some sort of Shaman/Druid grove.
MMO-Champion have hundreds of Cataclysm screen shots here.